Monday, January 29, 2007

A Direction Of Use: To Taste. It Is

A direction of use: to taste. & It is recommended to use till a breakfast. And if necessary preparations for digestion stimulation/simplification (pancreatin [ a pancreas], acidol pepsin [Pepsin + HCl], powdered ox bile) a direction of use: acidol pepsin - before meal, pancreatin - after meal, powdered ox bile - it is added to to enemas. A dosage: necessarily. (How much I represent, to Russia the nomenclature of the medicines applied in the similar purposes, differs from the nomenclature in the USA; thus to apply, for example, gastric juice of animals as it becomes in Russia, would be, possibly, very much in the spirit of . Try to request Institute Gersona if for you this question is actual.) 2.III. Juice. 2.III.1. A juice extractor. demands some juice cold ; I result the description of a suitable juice extractor (a wringer meeting requirements to buy basically probably, but there is it of abrupt money - I will result in the end of the address and the price - accordingly it would be preferable to make a wringer most or to order any - if to have the suitable tool and a head on shoulders to construct a wringer not so difficult).