Thursday, September 6, 2007

The Specific Symptoms Identifying # The Chronic Mercury

The specific symptoms identifying # the chronic mercury poisoning, does not exist - can be # any function of the central nervous system is broken - and # means and it is simple almost any function of an organism.); that # speed of migration of mercury, ability to deduce mercury from # an organism and degree of its toxic influence at the different # people very different - and consequently even if for the majority # mercury is quite harmless, the minority pays for the mercury # seals at least a chronic feeling sick. 4.IV.2. Root channel - the general situation. I do not know, what Russian term so and I will write "the tooth channel" (Who - write me, whether precisely it is the correct Russian term). The tooth channel is the operation, allowing to rescue a tooth in spite of the fact that it is so destroyed that the inflammation has reached a nerve. A nerve delete, a cavity fill in with special plastic, from above fill a tooth. Such tooth though is less viable, than usual, but nevertheless - works.