Wednesday, June 24, 2009

STD Testing

The unpublished results of the epidemiological investigation of HIV pregnant women in the Paris region. The unpublished results of an epidemiological study provide a new photograph of the increase in France of the AIDS and STD epidemic among pregnant women. They are also demonstrating that screening is directed at pregnant women at risk for this disease.

Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, sometimes can be daunting task, since various applications and methods are being used to test for different STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
<a href="">HERPES | STD GENITAL HERPES: STD TESTING</a>: "Medically registered cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are common in every city and district of United States."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

In The Course Of Evolutionary Transformation Of Unicells

"But the mobilization is immediate killer cells, unlike T cells that need to be educated. The learning behavior of these natural killer cells thus quell the enemy before it progresses in the body, the challenge is to intensify the progression of natural immune system to be more effective and efficient in developing anti herpes approach fighting the virus. The natural killer cells play an important role in eliminating the infection, that is how the immune system is set up to function in regular infection attacks, but the Herpes virus is much too strong and infection demand much stronger immune system. Most initial viral load is a substantial pressure on immune system of the body, that in most cases suppress the immune system and the virus is established in the body for the rest of life. " by New research on pathogens causing genital herpes

In the course of evolutionary transformation of unicells in multicellular the mechanisms providing maintenance of a constancy of Herpes STD the internal environment by specialisation of bodies of a body with their specialised functions eventually have developed At the same time it has led to irreconcilable contradictions between requirements of development and necessity of stability, to the contradiction which has generated, from my point of view, in the course of evolution type of death from the internal reasons. Really, during each given moment of development and metaphyte growth the law of a constancy of the internal environment, protected by homeostasis systems should be observed. At the same time abundantly clear that systems should increase the capacity in process of development that their activity could provide requirements of growth of an organism. Differently, development and organism growth would be impracticable, if also capacity systems simultaneously did not increase. In the certain relation the capacity increase systems also is development.

Outflow Of Blood From Vessels Of Large Bronchial

"Sexually transmitted infections and diseases are increasing throughout the world, the increase is very visible and sharp according to the Weekly Epidemiological Bulletin. Notes and public accounts on the STD is alarming: most sexually transmitted infections are increasing worldwide. The epidemic of syphilis has reappeared again since 2000 and is still valid. After a decline, in 2005 the number of cases increases again in 2006. " by STD: Alert Worldwide

Outflow of blood from vessels of large bronchial tubes occurs on the bronchial veins running into unpaired and semiunpaired veins, and from capillaries of small bronchial tubes directly Herpes STD - in a branch of pulmonary veins Between branches of small pulmonary arteries and veins are available shunts which in norm do not function and open only in the presence of a number of pathological conditions. As from pulmonary vessels in - bronchial, and on the contrary, from bronchial arteries in pulmonary vessels, blood dump Lymphatic system of a lung is possible is well developed and consists from: 1) initial networks of lymphatic capillaries, 2) textures, 3) taking away vessels which join lymphatic channels. Allocate four groups lymph nodes: 1) intrapulmonary, located in lungs and in places of division of bronchial tubes-, 2) , lying in area of gate and a lung root, in yax divisions of the main thing and share bronchial tubes, 3) , located in a place tracheas, 4) , located along a trachea. The lymph current goes from periphery to a root of a lung and to a confluence of a lymphatic - channel passes at least through one of a lymph knots.