Sunday, November 11, 2007

There Were Hypostases Of Both Feet Which Have

There were hypostases of both feet which have extended further on a shin, hips and stomach area. On March, 6th the patient is translated for treatment to the Dr. of Ampere-second. Self-Hotsky. This very day intravenous injection, repeated injections - is made on March, 9th and 12. Since March, 13th at the sick have decreased, the state of health has improved, puffiness began to disappear. By March, 20th hypostases have almost disappeared. have stopped. Since March, 27th the temperature remained within norm. The patient is written out in a good condition. Patient - , 32 years. Has arrived in clinic concerning an aggravation of a chronic thrombophlebitis of the bottom finitenesses and complaints to aching pains in the field of hips. The patient does not go because of pains, is nervous, complains of insomnia. Pains gradually amplify, hypostases increase. After the analysis of whey of blood it is made 3 intravenous and 2 hypodermic injections. For the third day after an initiation of treatment of the patient it is authorised to go.