Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Juice Extractor Should Consist Of A Grinder

The juice extractor should consist of a grinder and a press. Vegetables are passed through a grinder, wrapped in a piece of a rough fabric and put under a press. Grinder: any device, 1. Crushing a vegetable till approximately such sizes what would turn out on average cells of a grater, and 2. It is more than nothing doing. The second requirement is essential. As a grinder for certain it is possible to adapt any inexpensive commercial wringer (probably it that she has had time to crush, but has not had time to process somehow vegetables); or it can be made most (an entrance pipe - the chamber with a cutting drum - a target pipe; the engine for a cutting drum should be enough then it will break off walls of vegetative cages (instead of to rumple them) (we will tell 1500-2000 turns in a minute); an entrance and target pipe should be narrow enough and long that it was impossible to push a hand; the protecting switch should be strengthened it was possible so that to include a grinder only in the collected kind).

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