Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Subsequent Analysis Confirms Natural Dependence Of Growth

The subsequent analysis confirms natural dependence of growth of concentration on our medical certificate. 2. Why anti-inflammatory medicines treat many illnesses which do not have something in common with an inflammation? The reason in that primary reaction to the medical certificate is not reaction of electrolits, and reaction of the nervous system, which change inevitably changes the face of processes in all organism. Therefore the medical certificate is not limited to normalisation only parities of macrocells, but mentions other processes in an organism about which the display schedule does not give the information. That is why the quantity of positive influences of the medical certificate considerably exceeds volume of the information and treats the processes which do not have something in common with an inflammation. 3. Why microbes are harmless in these conditions? Force is irritation degree. If I enter medical structure and thus is not observed negative influences of an infection, it proves inability of an infection to overcome a threshold defined by a nervous component of processes.

1 comment:

  1. The eye can be blind, it(he) can suffer an atrophy Optic nerve, a cataract or disease of a retina, but Until it(he) does not try to see, external muscles - Thaw normally and no anomaly of a refraction is present. This fact Gives us a way by means of which can be eliminated(erased,removed) All these conditions, so long considered incurable " [16, .42]. This way is the relaxation. If to draw an analogy between a camera and an eye, Any photographer knows what to guide(visit) the camera at sharpness It is possible for any of two ways: or change of distance from Films up to a lens of an objective, or change of force most Lenses.
