Sunday, February 22, 2009

It Meant Transition From Damp Bandages To Intravenous

It meant transition from damp bandages to intravenous injections, from polyclinic patients to the clinical. Transition to intravenous injections has inclined me to use properties of calcium. To a former medical solution in which chrome is prepared from bichromate to add SaSl2 it is impossible, for To and Sa - antagonists on the action on an organism. Therefore the new solution chrome from sodium bichromate has been prepared. To this solution chloride calcium also has been added. Thus, there were two solutions. Their general structure was identical, except these elements. In one contained , and in other - calcium. The first structure has conditionally been named by the standard - StK, and the second - the calcium standard - St . Seven years this period proceeded. Thousand and thousand patients were treated by me these methods. Hundreds combinations replaced each other. Fast improvement of a condition of patients, healing of the big and deep traumas, reduction of terms of treatment state the right to a positive estimation of results.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, this "a little" plus sincere oppression from that harm which I created contrary to the nature, has decided our destiny. No special explanation at us existed. When the next time they with a daughter have arrived to us that all together and with my son to go for the weekend on rocks, and Darya has spread out the batch in kitchen, I have asked her daughter: - Svetochka, you will go to me in a daughter? - I will go, - she has answered, and chewing a pie. - and you me take in sonnies, Darya Antonovna? - Its my son has asked.
