Tuesday, December 23, 2008

# Separately - About Juice And Idea Of

# Separately - about juice and idea of that the integral vegetable is better. This # the idea, actually, is to a certain extent correct - in a case # quite healthy person. But juice (fresh and cold # ) is something absolutely another; the matter is that juice # by an organism almost without processing, and all directly is acquired # from juice go directly to blood is something like # blood transfusions at a plant (is more exact not at a plant # actually, and at vegetative cages - juice is basically # an endocellular liquid). And if in case of many fruit # the difference is not too great - "juicy", it that is that # walls of cages are easily torn in a mouth - that carrot juice and # carrots as the meal is things simply absolutely different - especially for # seriously sick, at which ability to acquire # nutrients from the food demanding processing in # a digestive path, it is essentially weakened. In general, is # such thing, , there all is things known. # is shorter. I strongly do not love everyone .

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Medical Structure In These Conditions Reduces Or

The medical structure in these conditions reduces or even eliminates ability of an infection to form a pathology. The factors reducing force , it is a lot of. Probably that their abundance is created by process of evolution for kind preservation. More hundred years ago Bernard spoke about nervous system: "Acquaintance to functions of this device resulting in harmony of the phenomenon of a life, will serve as a necessary management at studying of illnesses, for it would be impossible to watch coupling of some painful symptoms if not to foreknow that participation which is accepted in it by nervous system". Despite century term, this medical problem remained till now unresolved. The pharmacology develops to this day only in a private occasion. Other position of pharmacology in my researches. Its border does not fall outside the limits electrolits of whey of blood; she should solve the problems accurately formulated in the course of research. In the display schedule should be included and microcells of whey of blood.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

And So, Do Not Give # Itself So

And so, do not give # itself so to drag off under water; recollect, how you # felt yourselves to , recollect that has made ; weigh; you # already know enough to make the rational decision. # If you decide to throw is your choice; but do not give itself # here irrationally to knock down. Well and - if do not understand that # to do, seize in a teeth - hold on couple of days # and will brighten up - you heard that the majority of suicides # subsequently regret for the act? (No, and it too not # a joke. It is a question of those whom have pumped out.) in general in the such # spirit. However, as a rule the patient feels such depression # as such, through what it is necessary to stay something - and # then when absolutely already blackened world brightens from # a coffee enema, it strongly directs at idea of that all # it is so. That light truth - is stronger. - psychological aspects. (I extremely do not like a word "psychological" - I use it exclusively because I do not observe any word more suitable.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

). Signs Of A Lumbar Osteochondrosis Are: Dull Aches

). Signs of a lumbar osteochondrosis are: dull aches in the field of a waist and in feet; a cold snap and finitenesses; occurrence of pains at sharp movements by a trunk, jolting, a raising of weights, a long inconvenient pose; restriction of movements in - department. Treatment of an osteochondrosis of zone department has the specificity, but in all cases in its aggravation the maximum rest for the purpose of unloading of the amazed segment, reduction of intradisk pressure, backs and a jet hypostasis is necessary. The lumbar osteochondrosis is one of widespread diseases of peripheral nervous system, has propensity to the relapses causing time disability. Similar disease can be an infectious aetiology; a trauma consequence; can arise also at anomalies of development of a spine column; infringement - processes, in particular a salt exchange. In disks there are degenerate changes which lead to partial destruction of a fibrous ring, to disk displacement, its lateral and - lateral , a consequence of that is squeezing of corresponding backs of nerves, infringement of their food, puffiness, the phenomena of a radiculitis which is quite often accompanied by an atrophy of muscles, their weakness, up to languid .

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Often It Appears Possible To Cut Insulin Reception

Often it appears possible to cut insulin reception by half in 10 days after the beginning of therapy and completely to stop in a month. Diet updating at a diabetes includes reduction of consumption of a potato to one potato in day, use juice instead of orange in the mornings, and increase in quantity of green juice at the expense of morkovno-apple juice. 2.VI. Contra-indications. Restrictions. Contra-indications. Following diagnoses strongly complicate address in Institute Gersona concerning their recommendations at these diagnoses: Presence of the replaced bodies; the Advanced cancer with metastasises in a brain (this restriction does not concern an initial cancer of a brain); Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (the Russian term?); an initial cancer of a pancreas after chemotherapy (the Initial cancer of a pancreas is well treated , but not after chemotherapy). Restrictions. The patients preliminary receiving chemotherapy, can be treated , but report in these cases strongly varies - address in Institute Gersona concerning their recommendations.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

So, As "natural" We Will Understand Here The

So, as "natural" we will understand here the vegetables grown up and stored without use of any chemicals; in general, as much as possible more, really, natural in all senses. Accordingly, such vegetables should not be, for example, are treated to radiation action (here - check on pediculosis - and after all reading for certain will decide these lines that the author has absolutely moved - well who, to hell, begins "to treat vegetables to radiation action". Rise, reading. A potato in the USA specially irradiate, that it did not sprout. And, the most ridiculous, they then eat it. To you it is already ridiculous? And how in the USA wheat which we bought decades from them, grow up to tell?); they should not be received methods of gene engineering, etc. - it is impossible, the right to list all the ways long with which progress should not to allow improve a defenceless plant. Let's notice especially that it is a question, about a complete elimination of any chemicals. If you believe, say, that spraying gerbi - both pesticides and vegetative hormones this crime, and here complex fertilizer is it - a flag to you in hands, but "natural" in that sense in which here this word is used, such vegetable will not be (for this reason the term can be considered "natural vegetables" as unsuccessful - in it certain initially positive sense is put - well try to tell to the farmer that its vegetable, means, not the natural.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Such Method Of Division Of Illnesses Became The

Such method of division of illnesses became the supplier of a huge analytical material; the modern nomenclature of illnesses already includes 10 thousand names, is described over their 100 thousand signs. New illnesses demanded new medicines. But only in the field of immunology, mechanical therapy and partly the method of treatment is a consecutive conclusion from the given analyses. All other many thousands weight of illnesses has appeared in other conditions. Each illness became special, individual unit and demanded selection of the necessary medicines for it. Pharmacology, satisfying these private requirements, began to develop in a private occasion. It was impossible to make of these particulars of generalising conclusions, manufacturing of medicines has been doomed to casual finds, recommendations of folk remedies, screening, etc. lt;... gt; To overcome the arisen difficulties, remaining on old positions, the medicine could not. The help was rendered by physiology. Physiologists E.I.Vvedensky, A.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Subsequent Analysis Confirms Natural Dependence Of Growth

The subsequent analysis confirms natural dependence of growth of concentration on our medical certificate. 2. Why anti-inflammatory medicines treat many illnesses which do not have something in common with an inflammation? The reason in that primary reaction to the medical certificate is not reaction of electrolits, and reaction of the nervous system, which change inevitably changes the face of processes in all organism. Therefore the medical certificate is not limited to normalisation only parities of macrocells, but mentions other processes in an organism about which the display schedule does not give the information. That is why the quantity of positive influences of the medical certificate considerably exceeds volume of the information and treats the processes which do not have something in common with an inflammation. 3. Why microbes are harmless in these conditions? Force is irritation degree. If I enter medical structure and thus is not observed negative influences of an infection, it proves inability of an infection to overcome a threshold defined by a nervous component of processes.

Monday, November 3, 2008

For This Purpose It Is Necessary To Put

For this purpose it is necessary to put the patient on a rigid surface (for what it is possible to use even an ironing table) located at an angle 45 - 60 degrees to a floor surface. To create a necessary angle of slope under a rigid surface it is possible to substitute an armchair or a desk. Under shoulders of the patient it is necessary to pass the loops made of a soft fabric (or the belts connected in a ring) which simultaneously put on on board edges. Thus extension should not strengthen painful sensations. Duration of the given procedure from 3 till 25 minutes. However at treatment by position, the treatment session can to be, if necessary, long enough but that muscular intensity (to 3 - 4 hours) did not increase. So that the weakened muscles did not test an excessive stretching, and joints were not exposed to deformation. It is desirable to spend during the day some sessions, alternating them to massage and physiotherapeutic procedures. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to define a tonic condition of muscular groups and mobility in joints, not to suppose increase or muscles in comparison with initial level, occurrence of hypostatic hypostases, occurrences of pains, , .

Friday, October 31, 2008

At - Textures Not Only Appear Pains, But

At - textures not only appear pains, but also impellent functions that is shown in restriction of movements of a trunk on all three axes, reduction of static endurance of a spine column, restriction of movements in coxofemoral joints, languid the bottom finiteness are broken. Unilateral defeats lead to infringement of a correct bearing, to change of a normal pose at lying, sitting, standing and walking that in turn, promotes development of scolioses. Appointment as such patient of active physical complexes is defined first of all by a sharpness and process localisation. The indication is sharp displays of disease and reduction of pains. The therapeutic effect of offered medical exercises speaks their positive influence on stimulation - and and a fabric exchange that promotes elimination of developments of stagnation in bodies of a small basin, spine column unloading, to creation of steadier muscular corset and gradual extension of a back of a nerve. At performance of the given physical tasks in fabrics of working muscles substances of an albuminous origin which, arriving in blood are formed, make stimulating impact on function of the basic systems.

For This Purpose It Is Required To Establish

For this purpose it is required to establish their concentration in norm and fluctuations in pathologies, creation new additional , meeting requirements of compatibility with macrocells, with departments of vegetative nervous system etc. Here it is necessary both corresponding equipment, and contact of physiologists, pharmacologists, biochemists and clinical physicians. IV. Let's sum up. In the first stage of my researches position about integrity of an organism has been realised in medical practice. In the second stage the diagnostic statics has been replaced by dynamics of concentration of electrolits that displayed the display schedule naturally defining of a method of treatment. The method of division of illnesses on distinction has been replaced by a method of their association on similarity. In the third stage primary reaction of an organism to action had been recognised a nervous component of processes. Medical actions in which the consecutive logic of my researches has resulted me, are the form of realisation of a medical problem which expands coverage of pathological processes and allows to interfere in two inevitability of a human life - an old age and infringement balance.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

In The Second Period Duration Of Employment Is

In the second period duration of employment is possible to 30 - 40 minutes. Performance of the given complex 2 - 3 times a day is desirable. As the patient at present, is not capable to be engaged in productive work almost. EXERCISE 5. . .: lying on a back, hands above. PERFORMANCE: On time: to bend feet, to clasp knees hands. On two: to return in And, the Item Exercise to carry out 30 times. EXERCISE 6. . .: lying on a back, hands above, feet separately. PERFORMANCE: On time: to strain muscles of finitenesses so that the impression was made that the executor stretch for hands and feet opposite directions, to hold 3 - 5 seconds On two: slowly relaxing to return in And, the Item Exercise to carry out 5 - 7 times. EXERCISE 7. . .: lying on a back to bend hands in elbow joints, a support on forearms, feet are bent in knee joints, a support on stops. PERFORMANCE: On time: to tear off a basin from a floor, to hold 10-15 seconds On two: to return in And, the Item Exercise to carry out 5 - 7 times.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

II. Damp Bandages Any Minute Could Be Cleaned.

II. Damp bandages any minute could be cleaned. Intravenous interventions are withdrawn cannot be. Damp bandages adjoined to a body surface, and intravenous interventions interfere in the trunk main of processes of an exchange. It demanded check of safety of a method. Checks have begun with definition of antiseptic properties of solutions, research on cultures of bacteria of a belly typhus, a paratyphus And and In, , streptococci and an intestinal stick have not found out not only killing action of solutions, but even growth inhibition of bacteria. Crops on nutrient mediums have given growth and a hay stick. However at an injection of solutions by an animal in a belly cavity and in a vein of the negative phenomena it was not observed. Treatment of the infected animals has yielded the positive result, specially polluted wounds healed a primary tension. As the trust to safety and utility of these unsterile solutions grew, indications to their application extended. Presence unstable to heating acid did not suppose sterilisation of solutions, however microbes in the given system of representations were out of a field of my interest.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

In It It Is Generalised, An Advanced Experience

In it it is generalised, an advanced experience of work and results of scientific researches of employees of Hospital of veterans of wars N-2, and teachers of chair of physical training of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Authors: Doctor of higher category N-2 A.T.polubojarov, the manager. Chair . Education senior lecturer N.B.Tarasov; . . , professor J.G.Kodzhaspirov; . . , senior lecturer V.I.Sytnik; the item teacher E.J.Krupnik. Moscow 1999 . The Moscow aviation institute (Technical university) 1999 . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- In the given methodical grant specialised physical exercises having an orientation both on treatment, and on preventive maintenance of an osteochondrosis of lumbar department are offered. Offered physical tasks are accompanied by positive emotions, distract patients from "leaving in illness" that in turn, promotes decrease in a muscular tone and performance of movements in volume. It is necessary to consider as extremely important element of a technique education of the elementary impellent skills of self-service ( and unfastening of buttons, clothing etc.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

On Two: To Return In And, The Item

On two: to return in And, the Item On three: to sit down to the left of heels. On four: to return in And, the Item To move hands on a crossbeam located below previous, to repeat exercise. Exercise to repeat 20 - 25 times, constantly moving hands with higher on the bottom crossbeam, and then with low on crossbeams located above. At exercise performance the maximum stretching in lumbar department is necessary. EXERCISE 18. . .: kneeling, hands on a belt. PERFORMANCE: Leaning against crests bones: On time: trunk turn to the right. On two: to return in And, the Item On three: trunk turn to the left. On four: to return in And, the Item At performance we try to be stretched in lumbar department. Exercise to repeat 15 - 20 times. EXERCISE 18. . .: kneeling, hands on a belt. PERFORMANCE: On time: to execute inclinations back, a support hands about wall bars. On two: touching hands wall bars - we come back in AND, THE ITEM Exercise to repeat 20 - 25 times. EXERCISE 19. . .: facing wall bars, the successful fellow the right hand for the top crossbeam.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What To Do - You Ask. Well, Clear

What to do - you ask. Well, clear business to break. The attending physician is it can be useful. But power also that after will pass initial , the patient, is enough having felt action of various procedures, can direct treatment itself; actually, the following instruction "in the first month - dosages precisely under the list, dosages of some things thus it is possible at desire to increase - further operate on sensations, the main thing never to reduce a dosage of any part if you are not quite assured that it should be reduced" can to be quite sufficient. I it not to that, of course, that to the doctor not to address. In general concerning any details - in which absolutely previous heads and which can, possibly roll, to lead reader sensation something hopelessly difficult, fragile, inclined being scattered. Essentially that basic elements together form certain - firm skeleton - something fine and internally logical - is valid here the weapon for break - the tank, yes. In general, be not frightened details, they really together develop in something integral.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Mercury, # However, Is Strong Poison. # #

Mercury, # however, is strong poison. # # Owing to it round mercury application in seals are available # strong disagreements; # # Supporters of application of mercury say that the quantity of mercury, # migrating of a seal, very little and does not exceed # consumption of mercury with food; that set of people # regularly eats basically sea fish (mercury # practically there is no in soil, while in sea water it # is, though and in a small amount; sea products # are the basic source of mercury in a food of people) and anybody # from them with mercury yet has not poisoned - etc. # # Opponents say that one business mercury in a food, where it in # the core it is not acquired and simply passes the digestive # a path through, and quite another matter mercury, in # a tooth from which it migrates directly in soft fabrics # an organism; what is the mercury poisoning especially # it is dangerous that to distinguish it in time it is impossible (Mercury # operates on the central nervous system, in which # collects.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

In 5 Days The Rabbit Had A Heavy

In 5 days the rabbit had a heavy rheumatic polyarthritis and in 10 days the rabbit has died. The doctor the Price has repeated this experiment repeatedly with a teeth with the tooth channel, removed at various patients. Results have proved to be true. Moreover, when the doctor the Price sterilised a tooth with the tooth channel in an autoclave, the result remained former. Thus to a rabbit of a healthy tooth in any way on its health it was not reflected. Affirms that a problem here that a tooth microtime becomes an infection source. In a live tooth with normal a microtime is used for swapping of nutrients; when the nerve is removed, normal activity of a microtime is broken also an organism more does not prevent occurrence in them of an infection. Thus the tooth can look visually and in a x-ray picture quite healthy. Until the patient as a whole is healthy, its immune system is usually capable to prevent infection distribution - but the combination to any other problems can cause strong complications.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Juice Extractor Should Consist Of A Grinder

The juice extractor should consist of a grinder and a press. Vegetables are passed through a grinder, wrapped in a piece of a rough fabric and put under a press. Grinder: any device, 1. Crushing a vegetable till approximately such sizes what would turn out on average cells of a grater, and 2. It is more than nothing doing. The second requirement is essential. As a grinder for certain it is possible to adapt any inexpensive commercial wringer (probably it that she has had time to crush, but has not had time to process somehow vegetables); or it can be made most (an entrance pipe - the chamber with a cutting drum - a target pipe; the engine for a cutting drum should be enough then it will break off walls of vegetative cages (instead of to rumple them) (we will tell 1500-2000 turns in a minute); an entrance and target pipe should be narrow enough and long that it was impossible to push a hand; the protecting switch should be strengthened it was possible so that to include a grinder only in the collected kind).

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

In 5 Hours: Take 1 Quart Of Warm

In 5 hours: take 1 quart of warm water, in it toilet soap ( oil is insoluble in water, soap is necessary that the mix was not divided too quickly), add 3-4 table spoons oils and some drops of coffee, carefully shake up. Use for enema statement, continuing to shake up continuously that castor oil has not separated from water. Keep not for long. (This instruction assumes that you use the device described above for enemas; if you use a rubber pear "continuously to shake up", of course, it is impossible; in general it is necessary to achieve somehow that the enema consisted of a mix of castor oil with water i.e. that castor oil has not separated from water and there was no all outside). # Kastorovoe oil is the extremely vile on taste that causes desire # whenever possible to exclude its use ; _ _ # to apply simply an enema (without swallowing of castor oil # preliminary) and 1. The patient will clearly feel taste # castor oils in language and 2. The patient will be assured that # efficiency of an enema has not decreased that - probably to apply # enemas without preliminary swallowing of castor oil.

Hypostases Have Passed, Pains At Walking Are Not

Hypostases have passed, pains at walking are not present. State of health good. However in some days there were sharp pains and feeling of weight in both feet (the patient went on a ladder much). The hypodermic injection liquidated these phenomena. In 15 days from an initiation of treatment the patient is written out, the general condition good, goes freely, hypostases and complaints to pains are not present. On it I finish far not a full illustration of application of my method at treatment of various illnesses - and I will add that the most natural results have been received at treatment , septic processes, psychoses and senile decrepitude. REHABILITATION PHYSICAL EXERCISES USED AT TREATMENT OF LUMBAR DEPARTMENT OF THE SPINE COLUMN. (The methodical grant for experts on and individual employment). The summary The methodical grant is intended for masseurs, instructors of medical physical training, teachers of physical training working with special medical groups, and also for independent individual employment for the purpose of preventive maintenance and restoration of the lost functions at such disease as a lumbar osteochondrosis.

Monday, July 14, 2008

However, Many Do Not Notice. # There Are

However, many do not notice. # There are two types of filters for a shower: coal filters and # KDF-FILTERS. The coal filter costs $30 and above and it suffices # for some weeks, the KDF-FILTER costs as much, approximately # it is so effective and it suffices on half a year and more. # the third type - the filter in which at first costs Is preferable # the KDF-ELEMENT, and then also the coal filter (a coal element # in it it is not hammered, therefore as the basic filtration # it is carried out by the KDF-ELEMENT). 4.III.3. Air. In case air is considerably polluted, for it is useful # to clear it. For this purpose it is possible to use commercial # installation with the coal filter, and it is possible to construct from # the fan and - possibly automobile air filter? 4.IV. Problems of tooth seals, etc. 4.IV.1. Tooth seals - the general situation. # Tooth seals, as a rule, make of an amalgam # silver. It is an alloy containing in basic silver and the mercury. # It possesses unique (till rather recent time; # special plastic) are now applied by a set also # the properties doing it extremely convenient for seals.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Becoming The Practising Doctor, The MG Registered The

Becoming the practising doctor, the MG registered the diet to the patients, suffering migraines; one of patients declared that the diet has cured it not only of migraines, but also from a skin tuberculosis. The skin tuberculosis at that time was considered as the incurable; the MG began to offer the diet as well a sick skin tuberculosis. The diet has worked. It was the success moment. The MG has published results; to its method have paid attention recognised medical stars. In 1924 doctor Ferdinand Sauerbruh invites MG in specialised state tubercular clinic at the Munich University where the MG applies the method to trial treatment of 450 patients; after it is possible to find out and stop evening contraband of sausage and sour cream, 446 patients recover. By the end 1920 method of Gersona is widely applied to treatment of a skin tuberculosis. In 1928 MG for the first time applies the method to cancer treatment. To it the patient operated and declared hopeless in connection with by a cancer of a digestive path has addressed - she has told that heard about successes of its diet at a skin tuberculosis, and has suggested to recommend a diet for it.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

"The Constancy Of The Internal Environment - A

"The constancy of the internal environment - a necessary condition of a free life of an organism", - was written by the Treasure Bernard hundred years ago. The most complicated exchange processes defining a constancy of structure of the internal environment of an organism, cope and regulated by vegetative nervous system. In it the systems of internal regulation defining processes of a life are concentrated. And here, work of this extremely sensitive mechanism is more and more broken from year to year by environment factors. Intense rate of a modern life, an urbanization and the pollution of atmosphere interfaced to it by allergens and the gases, the raised consumption substances - nicotine and alcohol, a sedentary life and a number of other factors break a physiological course of processes in billions cages of an organism. Amazingly debugged vegetative automatics cannot cope with such volume of work and hands over. (...) For normalisation of pathological infringements in an old age was enough information on a parity of concentration of four macrocells.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Temperature Sharply Fluctuates: From 35.6 � In

The temperature sharply fluctuates: from 35.6 � in the morning to 39,5 � in the afternoon. A diarrhoeia. With 19.VII on 5.I 4 intravenous injections on the basis of three analyses of whey of blood are made. Diarrheas are not present, appetite has appeared by August, 8th. By September, 5th has put on weight 3 kg, temperature in norm. Feels vigorous. It is written out from clinic. Patient , 34 years. About headaches 10 months ago have begun. Their intensity gradually accrued, attacks have become frequent. Later 2-3 months have begun dizzinesses. Further the phenomena have so amplified that the patient has left work. It was treated in clinic of nervous illnesses, but improvements has not come. The reason of pains, according to sick and her husband (doctor by profession), has not been found out, the diagnosis has not been established. Recently dizzinesses have so amplified that the patient fell, and headaches were accompanied by vomitings. After 7 intravenous injections treatment is stopped.

Friday, May 16, 2008

PERFORMANCE: On Time: To Take Away A Basin

PERFORMANCE: On time: to take away a basin in a left-hand side, hands upwards. 17 18 lines????///// On two: to be pulled., On three: to return in And, the Item The successful fellow the left hand for the top crossbeam. To repeat exercise taking away a basin in the right party. To move hands on a crossbeam located below previous, to repeat exercise 25 - 30 times, constantly moving hands with higher on the bottom crossbeam, and then with low on crossbeams located above. EXERCISE 20. . .: facing wall bars, hands the successful fellow at level of a breast, a hand straight lines. PERFORMANCE: On time: to sit down. On two: to curve a back. On three: to be pulled. On four: using force of muscles of hands - to return in And, the Item To move hands on a crossbeam located below previous, to repeat exercise. Exercise to repeat 20 - 25 times, constantly moving hands with higher on the bottom crossbeam, and then with low on crossbeams located above. EXERCISE 21. . .: mixed , standing on bottom wall bars, hands to keep for the top crossbeams, a chin at level of fists.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Well Water Can Be Used Without Clearing Only

Well water can be used without clearing only if it is precisely known that it is pure enough; well water in/around large settlements, I am afraid, precisely does not approach without clearing. Unfortunately, rain water and water from snow too, as a rule, are insufficiently pure. For approaches only 1. The water cleared by distillation and then activated coal or 2. The water cleared by return Let's notice especially that it is not enough easier clearing by coal. 4.III.2. Water for a shower / baths. Quantity of the chemicals absorbed through a skin (and - in case of the chlorine evaporating from hot water, - also through lungs) for different people considerably different, but, by estimations, on the average on chlorine absorption the 10-minute chlorinated shower is equivalent # 6 glasses of the chlorinated water. As a whole this text # deals only with special needs of patients , but # we will notice that many quite healthy people notice a difference # between the chlorinated and not chlorinated shower - and is sharp # prefer not chlorinated.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Felt Healthy. The Patient And - And, 23

felt healthy. The patient And - and, 23 years. The diagnosis: an osteomyelitis of the left hip. At the age of 14 years there was a tumour, the strongest pains in the field of the left hip, a heat. In clinic operation, in a month - the second, in a month - the third is made. Within the next years aggravations annually repeated. Operations and conservative methods of treatment have not helped. In one of aggravations have started treatment on our method. It is made 3 intravenous - injections. Treatment is stopped. The patient began to go, fistulas were closed. Has passed 20 years. The patient has ended medical institute, worked, aggravations were not. The patient With. , 15 years. With a lathe cutter has wounded a back surface of the second finger of the left brush, a sinew it is cut. In polyclinic seams are imposed. The bleeding proceeds. It has appeared that the patient suffers a hemophilia. In 4 days after wound in a grave condition it is delivered in surgical clinic. During odd-come-shortlies the condition catastrophically worsens.

Friday, April 18, 2008

It Is Not Recommended To Lift A Foot

It is not recommended to lift a foot above a corner of 45 degrees not to reduce lumbar . EXERCISE 15. . .: an emphasis kneeling. PERFORMANCE: On time: rearranging hands to feet - to curve a back, trying to get a head of knees (reminds backs of animals), hands do not come off a carpet. On two: to return in And, the Item Exercise to repeat 20 - 25 times. EXERCISE 16. . .: kneeling faced to wall bars, hands on a crossbeam. PERFORMANCE: On time: without tearing off hands from a crossbeam, stretching, to sit down on heels. On two: to be pulled. On three: to return in And, the Item To move hands on a crossbeam located below previous, to repeat exercise. To repeat 25 - 30 times, constantly moving hands with higher on the bottom crossbeam, and then with low on crossbeams located above. In the absence of wall bars it is possible to use one of the parties of a door box or a cord covering a desk. EXERCISE 17. . .: kneeling faced to wall bars, hands on a crossbeam. PERFORMANCE: On time: to sit down to the right of heels.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thus, Toning Up And General Stimulating Action Of

Thus, toning up and general stimulating action of physical exercises on patients is carried out the nervous mechanism and , including as nonspecific substances (exchange products at muscular activity), and specific (hormones). In muscles, in joints, in sinews, a skin both other bodies and systems at the moment of performance of physical exercises appear the impulses influencing character and a direction of streams nervous , arising in a brain which, in turn, stimulate development of the broken impellent functions, than stimulation of the corresponding impellent centres is reached. Besides, under the influence of regular training functions of spending nervous ways and peripheral receptors improve. "The bark a brain as though will organise periphery, orders functional activity of peripheral devices, often imposing peripheries the laws" (K.M.Bykov). Leading problems below described specialised physical complexes can be reduced to the following: 1. A raising of the general tone of an organism and improvement of a mental condition of the patient.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Works Of The Chalet, Tsondeka, Geblera Which Have

Works of the Chalet, Tsondeka, Geblera which have proved the huge importance of electrolits, have inclined me to include in an orbit of my researches all microcells of whey of blood - To, Sa, N and g. Data of the analysis of whey of blood can be represented the diagramme. On graph paper sheet we draw two horizontal lines on distance of 20 mm one from another. These lines limit a limit of physiological fluctuations of investigated elements. For example, for it is concluded between 19 and 24 mg of %, therefore 19 mg of % there correspond to the bottom horizontal, and 24 mg of % - top. Physiological changes of concentration lie within 24-19 = 5 %, hence, quantity change on 1 mg of % corresponds 4 mm of our schedule. The similar way establishes graphic characteristics of other elements: for calcium from calculation of % of 9-13 mg, for magnesium of % of 1,5-3,5 mg for sodium of % of 210-350 mg. Concentration change on 1 mg of % for calcium corresponds 5 mm of the schedule, for sodium - 0,5 mm and for magnesium - 10 mm.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

A.Ukhtomsky, Both. M.Setchenov, And. P.Pavlov, A.D.Speransky Have Created New

A.Ukhtomsky, Both. M.Setchenov, And. P.Pavlov, A.D.Speransky have created new representations about a role of nervous system in an organism life, have created a new direction in physiology and medicine - the doctrine named . I will shortly depict some its substantive provisions. When bases of modern scientific medicine were put, "the fabulous" unity of an organism has been rejected. recognised its integrity lt;... gt; "it is not required proofs for a recognition that on a way of movement from private to private the medicine will not soon achieve the object. Until the nature of all without an exception of pathological processes will not be united by the general sign while to a division method on distinction we will not add a method of their association on similarity, we will not have a medicine theory, that is hopes will not finish for ever the spontaneous form of its movement and to pass to planned and system work", - academician Speransky wrote. What principle included in the nature of all processes, is capable to unite them? The infinite network of the nervous receptors penetrating all bodies and fabrics, rejects on itself action of all the external and internal environment, transforms them to process of nervous excitation which the reflex device is possible to working bodies, changing their morphological and functional condition, that is forms health or illness depending on organic or inorganic .

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

EXERCISE 8. . .: Lying On A Stomach,

EXERCISE 8. . .: lying on a stomach, hands on a waist on crests bones. PERFORMANCE: Self-extension, i.e., leaning hands in crests bones we try to be extended. The impression should be made that you stretch every which way for feet and for a trunk. Exercise to carry out 8 - 10 times. EXERCISE 9. . .: lying on a stomach, hands under a chin. PERFORMANCE: On time: to bend the right foot on . On two: to straighten. Too most to execute with other foot. Exercise to repeat 15 - 20 times. EXERCISE 10. . .: lying on a stomach, hands under a chin. PERFORMANCE: On time: to raise a direct foot. On two: to raise the second foot, to connect feet. On three: to return in And, the Item To carry out 5-7 times on 10-15 seconds EXERCISE 11. . .: lying on a stomach, hands above, feet separately. PERFORMANCE: On time: to strain muscles of finitenesses so that the impression was made that the executor stretch for hands and feet opposite directions, to hold 3 - 5 seconds On two: slowly relaxing to return in And, the Item Exercise to carry out 5 - 7 times.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

3. Gathering All - Therapy Of Gersona. All

3. Gathering all - therapy of Gersona. All details - in other heads, and here - an overall picture. So, in general to apply , it is necessary to realise simply all mentioned in 2nd head; thus important following: Totality and . consists of several separate elements the majority from which has own improving action. Thus some of them strengthen action of others a little; we will tell, the effect of a coffee enema amplifies at to a diet, etc. But moreover, at joint application all these elements not simply give such arithmetic total effect; they together form a new condition, it is a quantum leap; within several months at the patient absolutely other metabolism - understand, " " is so, a word - and here you see, how from the patient the stream washes away poisons - and what now its sick organism, and what in it have been saved up by years is all literally so, understand. All it here to what. There is one thousand reasons on which you can try to apply "partially". (Worst of all that many simply will not have money on necessary for a thing - especially coffee, it in Russia will be not not grown up - what here to tell - if I could help.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

PERFORMANCE: On Time: To Sit Down, Straighten Hands.

PERFORMANCE: On time: To sit down, straighten hands. On two: we straighten one foot, another remains on a crossbeam. On three: to be pulled. On four: using force of muscles of hands - to return in And, the Item To repeat the same, releasing other foot. Exercise to repeat 8 - 10 times, constantly moving hands with higher on the bottom crossbeam, and then with low on crossbeams located above. EXERCISE 22. . .: standing on the floor, faced to wall bars, the direct successful fellow hands for wall bars at level of a head, a hand straight lines. PERFORMANCE: On time: to delay a trunk and a basin back. On two: to return in And, the Item Exercise to repeat 20 - 30 times, constantly moving hands with higher on the bottom crossbeam, and then with low on crossbeams located above. EXERCISE 23. . .: facing wall bars, hands forward, the successful fellow at level of a breast, a hand are straightened. PERFORMANCE: On time: to keep wall bars trunk: hands slide on , creeping away in the parties. On two: to return in And, the Item To move hands on a crossbeam located below previous, to repeat exercise.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Therefore From Positions Not The Tubercular Stick Creates

Therefore from positions not the tubercular stick creates cavities in lungs, temperature and other displays of illness, not forms a sepsis, and a organism. I. Studying processes of an inflammation and applying various medical preparations in the form of damp bandages, having convinced of their powerlessness in hard cases, I have begun search of new forms of treatment with revision of initial positions. Detailed studying of a pathological picture of an inflammation, supervision over a current of household traumas, experimental checks have shown: 1. If changes in an organism are not present, that, irrespective of presence of microbes, there is no also an illness. 2. At the moment of contact with an organism there is a new factor - time. 3. The microbe and illness are divided in time by infinity of processes. I began to consider occurrence of these processes as a disease immediate cause. Thus, the reasons have been included in illness displays, and microbes have appeared out of my medical problems.