Sunday, March 4, 2007

In The Event That Not Toxic Methods Of

In the event that not toxic methods of struggle against a pain insufficiently, it is possible to use stronger means - but only if without them not to manage. At visits to tooth a unique comprehensible anaesthetic (patient owing to the changed metabolism has enough a dose in comparison with usual). 2.V.2. and medicines. As a whole on the one hand aspires to minimise reception by the patient of medicines; and on the other hand improves a condition of the patient in the sufficient image sharply to lower requirement for medicines. Reception of preparations of chemotherapy should be stopped. Toxic should be stopped as pains umenshajutsja/stop. Reception of other preparations should be reduced/is stopped as far as possible. The patients accepting medicines prior to the beginning , should not stop their reception without the recommendation of the doctor familiar with . Insulin is developed in an organism and is not toxic. In the beginning of therapy to the patients accepting insulin, it is necessary to continue to accept it; however it is necessary to do constantly blood and urine analyses so that when the pancreas will enough restore the work, to reduce insulin reception.