Saturday, September 13, 2008

In 5 Days The Rabbit Had A Heavy

In 5 days the rabbit had a heavy rheumatic polyarthritis and in 10 days the rabbit has died. The doctor the Price has repeated this experiment repeatedly with a teeth with the tooth channel, removed at various patients. Results have proved to be true. Moreover, when the doctor the Price sterilised a tooth with the tooth channel in an autoclave, the result remained former. Thus to a rabbit of a healthy tooth in any way on its health it was not reflected. Affirms that a problem here that a tooth microtime becomes an infection source. In a live tooth with normal a microtime is used for swapping of nutrients; when the nerve is removed, normal activity of a microtime is broken also an organism more does not prevent occurrence in them of an infection. Thus the tooth can look visually and in a x-ray picture quite healthy. Until the patient as a whole is healthy, its immune system is usually capable to prevent infection distribution - but the combination to any other problems can cause strong complications.