Saturday, June 23, 2007

In The Medical Literature Cases When Tooth Removal

In the medical literature cases when tooth removal in which the tooth channel has been some time ago made, led to spontaneous treatment absolutely not not connected as far as it is known to modern medicine - with a teeth of illnesses are described. Doctor George Mejnig has let out the book devoted the critic of carrying out of the tooth channel in 1993. (Doctor Mejnig long time headed tooth clinic and, in particular, itself has made hundreds tooth channels. After he has found out, the tooth channel threatens with what complications to patients, it has made propagation proving it is researches by the basic employment). In it it results results of the researches spent at the beginning of the century by doctor Vestonom by the Price. At the patient confined to bed and almost paralysed by a rheumatic polyarthritis, for any reason the tooth with the tooth channel made before has been extracted. Its state of health has improved and in some months she has recovered. The doctor the Price sterilised the tooth pulled out at the patient and it under a skin to a rabbit.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Mode. As Much As Possible Sparing. The Patient

Mode. As much as possible sparing. The patient always in heat. The patient does not go in for sports, keeps in the background, etc. When as a result of at the patient the state of health improves, it is important to direct all again found energy inside, on struggle against illness. Diet. I recommend to try to keep to spirit of diet independently. Let's tell, the diet suggests to minimise oils, but resolves 2 table spoons of linen oil in day. 2 table spoons are actually much; try to use much less; soon enough after has begun the use of linen oil for certain it is possible to stop or nearly so to stop; - speech does not go using less than linen oil, than the organism demands - but also more than it is necessary, it is not necessary to use. Well and so on. Notice that in the list of the forbidden products (Gersona resulted under the book) are specially mentioned and pies for people which not in forces independently to decide that the interdiction for oils/fats automatically means an interdiction on and pies; be able to keep to idea of diet .