Saturday, May 19, 2007

However, On The Other Hand, If It With

However, on the other hand, if it with chemistry so can, it indeed not the natural?). If the chemistry is necessary in your opinion - means use, but for such vegetable is not necessary and in terms which I here use, it "not natural" a vegetable; if you consider that I words "natural" is incorrect - I am ready to change terms. I it here very long tell all. But has put here that when the apple here has already grown fertilizers is for a long time was, in the spring, and here an apple, and the sunlight - and for the person, its grown up is visible in it, simply wildly is perfect that this apple in any sense incorrectly. In general, consider that I have once again repeated "at - any chemistry". All right. 4.III. Water, air, etc. 4.III.1. Potable water. Patient , as it is known, does not drink some water - but it cooks in it vegetables, uses it for enemas etc. Any of usual sources of water (including water "from under the crane") for does not approach - an exception can be well and spring water, but in them there can be filtered sewage, chemicals from fields and, at last, in them there can be a considerable maintenance of minerals from soil.

Friday, May 18, 2007

A Thrombophlebitis, , Septic Processes, Purulent Complications Of

A thrombophlebitis, , septic processes, purulent complications of traumas gave in to treatment by this method. At treatment new strange factors, however, have been found out: to one patients helped St , another - with the same diagnosis - its antagonist StC . The standard useful in an initiation of treatment, worsened a condition of the patient further and on the contrary, harmful in the beginning became useful then - including when process had not something in common with an inflammation. From here followed that the diagnosis displays an organism condition, and presence in medical structures insufficiently either calcium defines advantage or harm of a method of treatment. Naturally, there was a question - as similar electrolits in blood whey behave? For this purpose it was necessary to define concentration and calcium in whey prior to the beginning of treatment and in some days after intervention. This stage of researches has coincided with the period of the general interest to electrolits in organism environments.