Sunday, May 31, 2009

For Normalisation Of Infringements Dynamic Balance Of Four

For normalisation of infringements dynamic balance of four medicines insufficiently. It will be natural to include microcells in the display schedule that considerably will increase number , but them always will be incomparably less numbers of medicines of modern medicine. After all signs of illnesses immeasurably more than macro- and mikro - elements of whey of blood. In summary I wish to remind once again that all told in the address of "medical medicine" does not concern to , , , surgeries, hygiene and immunology. I will notice too that it is not enough for an all-round estimation of a condition of the patient of the data of the display schedule, as it does not reflect morphological infringements and clinical displays of illnesses. Their analysis can show that conservative treatment is required not, and interventions is perfect other order - in particular, operative or intensive therapy at an aggravation of chronic illnesses. EXAMPLES FROM MEDICAL PRACTICE Patient - , 33 years. For many years suffers which becomes aggravated in the autumn and in the winter, and passes in the summer.


  1. compares it to, how Birds all the night long can stay on a branch, strong compressing it(her) Fingers of legs(foots) and at all thus not getting tired. Thus, while the eye is in weakened - , it(he) possesses ideal sight. Only a pressure(voltage) it is possible To prevent to carry out correctly to eyes processes of focusing On objects. Such occurs(happens), if the eye is not given To itself and with it(him) something try to make. As a rule, it "Something" is effort to see. Thus, according to(agree) , the reason of deterioration - the mental pressure(voltage) which is -is excessive efforts of an eye to make out any object.

  2. After its termination the mammary gland is exposed physiological In the climacteric period in process of function decrease level hormones decreases and level a stimulating hormone of a hypophysis the Mammary gland raises decreases, the ferruterous fabric is replaced fibrous and fatty. Sudden a mammary gland at abortions and the lactation termination can conduct to cellular structures of a ferruterous fabric RESEARCH METHODS Inspection of women with diseases of mammary glands the - complex. In the anamnesis - the complaints specifying in disease of a mammary gland a pain, consolidations, allocation from nipples, - change of a skin, etc.

  3. HOW TO USE THIS BOOK Rule 1. Consider so much cases, how many it will appear possible. According to the recommendation of Ganemana, Organon (Organon, Paragraph 83, ets.,), it means: And. Give the chance to Genital Herpes patients or friends to tell their own stories, without interrupting them. . Write down told in the form of separate symptoms. With. Finish made by means of questions and supervision with reference to each function. d. Never set a question which it is possible to answer "Yes" or "is not present".

  4. Sometimes a tumour - reveal unexpectedly for sick at routine inspection or the reference to the doctor concerning other disease. During this period diameter of a tumour usually already reaches 2 Genital Herpes - 5 see The central form. Knot of a dense consistence, more often painless-, its surface rough, contours indistinct. Rugosity of a skin over a tumour can already appear at early stages of a cancer. This symptom specifies that the tumour grows most intensively in a direction to a skin, sprouting fatty and located in it connecting sheaves.
